June 25, 2005

Infrared Skies

Digital infrared original

Usually my drives from Moncton to Halifax are functional - with fairly rigid time tables due to teaching or photographing upon my arrival. This visit, however, involved a drive at the end of the day, and meeting up with friend, so there was less pressure for a swift trip. What this really provided for was the opportunity to drive with an eye open for photographs, and to stop if necessary.
Digital infrared original
One of the greatest differences between Halifax, where I lived for more than thirty years, and Moncton, where I moved two years ago, is the skies - in Moncton, because of the flat surrounding landscape, they tend to vast and broad with layers of clouds. On this particular evening, the sky was
full of dramatic clouds, towering over head and letting the sun burst through in regular intervals as it moved towards the horizon. As I was driving east, this spectacle was ever in my rear-view mirror,
and four times over the drive to Halifax, I pulled the care off the highway and made images of the magnificent sky behind me.
Digital infrared original
Even though I only worked with the infrared converted Nikon D70, the results conveyed the full impact of the clouds and setting sun. "Godsky" is how I have come to think of the rays of light bursting through cloud cover, and Godsky it was, almost continually until the sun moved below the horizon.

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