As it luck had it, I was able to trade a shift at work for an extra day off while Bili and Joe were in Halifax, so we managed to put in a full day-long photo session in after all (which only painfully pointed out the possibilities that may have been had if the scheduling problem hadn't arose, but that is just sadistic thinking on my part).
4"x5" film |
As the day was promising to be hot and clear, we headed for the coast,
expecting cooler temperatures near the Atlantic. What we didn't expect
was the high surf that was running that day; there must have been a
storm off-shore recently. While the day was clear and warm, with a light
breeze off the sea, the waves were several meters high, and crashed
onto the shore with great energy and spectacle.
With this as a
constant backdrop, we began a long, uninterrupted session. There is a
particular pleasure in working for a full day uninterrupted, with two
willing models and a wealth of possibilities in the landscape around us.
The day was spent in a meandering dance, moving down the coast as the
images presented themselves, pausing here and there to eat or just relax
and enjoy the day, and generally having a fantastic time. Bili and
Joe's gift of a full day of their time was incalculable, given the
wealth of work we produced, and all the possibilities that could be
6x9 cm film |
While both Bili and Joe were more then happy to model
separately, the majority of the images were of both of them, either as
two separate figures in the landscape, or as interwoven bodies. When
dual-model nudes work, they have a complexity that isn't possible with
one model. Usually with a model, I chose to have the model either
emulate the lines of the landscape, or to pose in opposition to them.
With two models, however, these two approaches can be mixed, or
abandoned altogether, with the new possibility of posing the models in
the landscape, using it as a background, as opposed to an integral part
of the image.
After working with Cassandra for two weeks, I have
become pretty convinced that the anticipated shift from 4"x5" to 8"x10"
for my view camera of choice will happen at the end of this year. That
said, for this session with Bili and Joe, I opted to take the 4"x5"
along, hoping to make the most of the opportunity they facilitated. By
the end of the day I'd exposed over sixty large format negatives, and
felt fully satisfied with the session.
4"x5" film |
In retrospect, however, I suspect that if I'd taken along the larger Toyo, with its restriction of only 12 images a session, I would have felt more satisfied with the results. Knowing I could made dozens of images over the afternoon seemed to make me overly casual about the compositions I made, and while there were more then enough strong images, the focus that the 8"x10"'s limitations forces on the process does nothing but good for the results. My initial impetus to using large format, its greater investment, is still attracting me today.