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Though Stephanie and I have been e-mailing back and forth for over a year, and first met at the
Memory of Water opening last April, this was our first chance to work together. Made in the first minutes of the session, and of Stephanie's first experience modeling nude, there is a simple beauty
to this portrait which is everything l seek when I made such an image -
the direct gaze, the beautiful light, and the obvious comfort, on the
part of the model, all come together to make a wonderful portrait.
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Stephanie brought several props to the session, including a peacock feather; usually I don't work with props, but I also am not one to say no to an idea I haven't tried before, so we explored the potential; the most interesting image was the above, with the brilliant colour of the feather contrasting the delicate colour of Stephanie's lips.
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At the end of the session, Stephanie wrapped her head in a scarf, and we made some photographs with a strong mid-eastern feel, expect of course of the blend of the head-scarf with the nudity. While I really enjoy those images, and think they certainly have a point to make, the above photograph is much more engaging on a different level - only Stephanie's hands are sharp, which is really pleasing in the image as a print...it is a little lost on the internet.