Digital original, two frame stitch
last time I visited Louisbourg was in 2002 when I was still working
with film. The first image of this trip points out the difference the
new digital world can make; using my 17mm tilt-shift, I made two
exposures, one with the lens shifted all the way left, and another all
the way right - then in post I put the two frames together, effectively
producing an image with about a 10mm angle of view. With film, this
would have been impossible (even ignoring the fact it is in colour, and I
only worked in B&W the last time I was here).
Digital original |
image has almost the same point of view as the above photograph, but
made with a 400mm lens, it has more than 40 times more magnification,
focusing on the distant spire and crenulations, as opposed to the moat
in front of me.
Digital original |
through the Governor's Apartments and the King's Bastion Barracks, I
enjoyed working with the natual light, coming through the relatively
small windows. The rich directional light was great to work with - the
only thing that would have made it better would have been a model (in
period clothing of course) to set into the scene.