Lisa is, to my knowledge, the first model who has come to work with
me as an alternative to getting a tattoo. While searching for a tattoo
artist to work with, she came across a link to my work from a good
friend's tattoo company,
Permanent Ink.
As a result, Lisa started to consider modeling, as opposed to a tattoo,
as a way to express herself and work with her body creatively. Eventually, she reached the decision that she would work with me, and contacted me by e-mail.
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After a couple of weeks of conversation online, I was due in Halifax to teach a workshop, so we made plans for a studio session.
There are many ways in which first time models work through the
process of moving from fully clothed to modeling nude for the first
time; Lisa fell firmly into the camp that just jumps into the pool,
without even testing the water with a toe first. Ten minutes after we
entered the studio, she was naked and modeling, with surprising ease and
lack of stress.
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I had previously discussed with Lisa my frustration with the
in regards to difficulties with pose and inspiration. The warning was
unnecessary; between the two of us, we worked for more than two hours,
moving from idea to pose to a new idea and back again, with little time
spent scratching our heads trying to think of what to do next. With
studio images focusing so much on the model alone, personality is
important in good studio work and Lisa brought lots of this to the
session which helped guide the images.
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By the end of the time we had allotted, both Lisa and I felt
strongly the images would reflect the success of the session. And, to
top it all off, Lisa immediately inquired about working with me again,
even before she saw the results!