Digital original, 2 frame stitch |
As I was preparing to head out to work with Claire, I caught sight of the sky outside my kitchen window, and paused just long enough to make a quick composition of the bands of gold and blue in the sky. A lovely look at the last light of the day!
Digital infrared original |
This studio session was focused on working against a dark background, in contrast to most of the work I do with available light, which I set against white. I don't do a lot of studio photography these days, but with a model as confident and comfortable as Claire, it is deceptively easy to make striking photographs.
Digital infrared original |
I just love the angle of Claire's shoulder in the above image - all through the session we had a running conversation, with pauses here and there when images came together. I forget what she had said moments before, but she was awaiting my response when I made this image, which goes some way to explaining the expression on her face.
Digital infrared original |
For almost all this session I worked with a single light; in this case, I used it to light both Claire and the background, some 15' behind her. The rich shadows against the soft gray background are really pleasing, but I find the line up her other side, created by the light from the softbox falling across her hip, breast and arm, even more engaging.
It is no accident that while I intended the session to be set against black, I ended up working with gray!