June 25, 2012

Scotland XIV - Exploring Lewis (Stornoway and Callanish, Lewis, Scotland)

Digital original, 4 frame exposure blend, 4 image stitch
This building is part of the Second World fort above Downies Harbour on Arnish Point, Stornoway, Lewis, outer Hebrides. I've photographed the parallel fortification to these around Halifax, in Nova Scotia, so it was really enjoyable to work with something both familiar, and new at the same time.
Digital original
When I was visiting Scotland in 2008, a friend explained the evolution of the roof in the hightlands; before the 1900’s, there was thatch, then in the early 1900’s (1920 if I recall correctly) came corrugated iron, and as the economy grew, eventually slate. Old buildings either have no roof (which might be because it was thatch, and rotted or burned away), or iron, like this abandoned croft. Looking towards Loch Achmore, on the isle of Lewis, outer Hebrides.
Digital infrared original, 2 frame stitch
The standing stones of Callanish III (Cnoc Filibhir Bheag), Lewis, in the outer Hebrides. There are actually 17 stones in the circle, forming a double ellipse with two concentric circles within an inner cove. Without a doubt, one of the most haunting spaces I have photographed.

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