May 23, 2004

Monique models in Rockport, NB

8"x10" film
Monique was visiting from Halifax for a couple of days of modeling (her last opportunity to work with me before a move to Ontario). While we'd worked the previous weekend with Miranda, the session had been a little brief due to prior commitments on the model's parts, so we hoped the weekend would give us a chance to work at a more measured pace, taking advantage of images as they presented themselves, and working until the session came to a natural conclusion.
8"x10" film
Without a doubt, my favorite portion of the session was working with a steep wall of sandstone, with perfect model-sized crevasses in its surface. Initially I sketched with the digital camera, but once I found the composition that spoke the clearest, I swiftly set up the 8"X10" view camera, and made the image with that.
Digital original
In the end, the session was rain free (we may have felt a dozen drops at one point, but that was all); it was other visitors and the rising tide that drew the session to a close. By that point, I was all out of film (you can only carry so much 8"x10" sheet film at a time) and near the end of the digital resources, so we all agreed that it was time to head home.

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