This was from a first session with a new camera, and a first session
with a new model. Harriette contacted me last week, asking if I’d be
available to help her with some nudes to commemorate her birthday, so
today, on her birthday, we spent 2.5 hours working together…with her in
her birthday suit! The lens I used to make this image was a tilt-shit
lens from Russia, which explains the shallow, selective focus.
Digital original, 2 frame stitch |
Though she lived away from Halifax, she was planning a visit, and was hoping to spend some time celebrating herself as she moved past a milestone in her own life. Luck was with us, and after a short discussion about her goals for the
session, we began working. Thought it was January, the light was bright
and wrapped around her a H_ modeled in the sea of white sheets.
Digital original |
By far my favorite images of the session were the portraits, both those
made early in the session, which had a somewhat formal feel, and those
made towards the end of the session, when H_ had really relaxed into the
process, and lay stretched out in a bed of white.
Digital original, 25 frame stitch |
Together, we made some lovely images, and I have just under 12gb of RAW
files to edit through before I have a sense of where the best successes
lie! While Harriette is leaving in under a month, I’m hoping to have the
chance to work with her more over the coming weeks!
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