August 06, 2004

Genevieve at Cape Enrage

Genevieve and I haven't worked together since the late winter, though we live in the same city; an irony of the move to Moncton has been that I have tended to work more with Halifax models, 2.5
hours away, then make contact with new models in New Brunswick. Partially this is a function of Moncton being a much smaller city, and partially that I have been back in Nova Scotia on
a monthly basis teaching.
8"x10" film
As with the Prospect session two days before, because of the harsh sunlight of the day, we decided to head for the coast in hopes that the high clouds we could see in that direction would diffuse the light  into something more usable. We arrived at the coast to find the light was indeed softening, but also, the tide was rising. Unlike most shorelines, where the tide is a 2m rise, on the Bay of Fundy, there is close to a 10m of difference between low and high tide. In the time it takes to make a single image, five feet or more of shoreline could disappear under the rising water.
8"x10" film
We set up to work as close to the water as possible, planning to work as the tide rose. The first set of images worked with some very angular rocks, perfect for Genevieve to recline in. Between starting the image, and finishing it, the Bay of Funday had risen over a foot, prompting us to grab the gear, and scamper another ten meters inland to a large rock outcrop that seemed perfect to work on. This was a doubly wise move, as simultaneous to this, some tourists arrived at the beach, and started to walk along the tide line. Moving up also placed Genevieve around a corner and bought us another previous half-hour of shooting time.
Digital original
 The end of the session was forced by the rising tide; we literally ran out of space to photograph in, and had we stayed any longer, we might have found it difficult to get back to the car. As we were packing up and preparing to leave, however, I happened to glance across the Bay of Fundy, towards Nova Scotia, and what I saw there took my breath away. The day had been pretty evenly overcast, but across the bay, a dramatic line of clouds were building, including one with a dramatic sweep to it. I immediately set up the digital camera on the tripod, and using the longest lens I had (a 300mm), made an exposure. Because the cloud was so far away, and the day was kind of hazy, the resulting image was pretty low in contrast, but through careful post-processing of the image into black and white, I managed to make a striking image of the rising cloud, stretching out over the low, dark landscape across the bay.

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