It seemed oddly appropriate to spend the evening after a full day in Halifax spent teaching a Studio Lighting Workshop in a studio working working with models. The previous week, Miranda told me of a friend of hers, Monique, who was interested in working with me; I had met up with the two of them the night before to talk about working them and the only time both Miranda and Monique had available before I left to return to Moncton was on Saturday night, so after dinner, we met up, and by 9:30 pm, the session was under way.
8"x10" film |
One interesting side effect of teaching is that it makes me far more
conscious of my own working practice than I normally would be. After
spending the day talking about a variety of lighting set ups for
different situations, I was painfully away of how simple my own approach
to lighting is - over the two hours of the session, I only worked with
two lighting set-ups - one with two lights, and the second with one.
think the simplicity of my approach to studio work is rooted in my
innate frustration with the process - I'd rather work with the nuances
of pose and camera position then obsess over lighting each and every
image to the max. This works well for me, and certainly makes a studio
session move along swiftly. Without an assistant, readjusting the
lighting more then a couple of times a session would really slow down
the process.
Digital original |
For a model posing nude for the first time, the
studio is a double edged sword - it is a small, secure space with no
chance of interruption, a warm, draft-free environment to pose in. By
the same token though, the entire focus of the studio is on the model -
they stand in the light, and everything is centered upon them. For
Monique, a first time model, this was tempered somewhat by the fact that
she was working with Miranda, who is more then comfortable with the
whole process. If there was any hesitation or nervousness on Monique's
part, it was gone by the time we actually started working, with standing
portraits of Miranda and Monique.
Digital original |
The session went much as I had expected; Miranda and Monique working comfortably in both aesthetic and more personal images, though as the session evolved, I quickly let go of focusing on the abstract, and concentrated on the chemistry between the models. From previous sessions with Miranda and other models, I had guessed the session would focus on the interplay between the two models; Miranda has a knack for putting other people at ease, and this shows through in the images, even with a first-time model.
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