October 07, 2001

Miles and Partner (Halifax, Nova Scotia)

35mm film

For almost two years, I'd told Miles and J_ that I'd do nudes of them together; Miles has grown, since I met him in 1998, to be one of my best friends, and an ardent supporter of my work He and his partner, J_ , have modeled for me off and on since then, but somehow, we've never managed to be coordinated enough to get together for a photo session about the two of them together. The end of the morning session with R_ presented this opportunity (albeit briefly) so we spent the last half-hour of the morning with Miles and J_ cuddling on the bed, and me working through the last of a roll of 35mm film.
8"x10" film
The shift from the formal approach to posing that was required for the images of R_ and the other models, to the fluid, spontaneous nature of the images of Miles and J_ was swift. From the first image to the last, about the only direction I had to give was "don't move".
35mm film
After making the images of Krista and L_ last month, and subsequently the images of R_ and the other models, I have spend some time thinking of how I photograph couples. I have come to realize that, with only a few exceptions, I betray my heterosexuality in this work - almost all the images are about the male's adoration, love and affection for the female. Not that I see much of a problem with this (after all, it is how I feel, on a personal level) I did make a particular effort to present the opposite aspect - woman's love for man...thus the image of J_'s chaste kiss on the brow of her lover.

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