October 16, 2014

A Wet Fall Session (Herring Cove, Nova Scotia)

Digital original, 4 image stitch
For a week or more, I had been watching the weather, hoping to have a warm enough day to work with a model outdoors in the fall colours. When the day finally arrived, it came with a price, fog and drizzle. Bianca and I had tentatively agreed to work together, and while I expected to have to call it off, her comment was "I surf, what's a little rain". So off we went to work in the fog, and from time to time, light rain.
Digital original, 8 frame stitch
When Bianca and I arrived at the burned forest, her first question was "what trees do you want me in", which was ironic, given my ideas were to work with the colourful ground cover. As it turned out, Bianca meant her question, and towards the end of the session, she was half-way up a tree, taking advantage of the dynamic space to pose within.
Digital original
The last image of this session with Bianca (and likely my last outdoor Nude of 2014) was the best, and the most unexpected; after working on a series of poses in this tree, Bianca clambered down, and perched herself at the bottom, waiting for other suggestions; I glanced down, and saw how the tree bisected her figure, and immediately knew I had to make an image. A gift from Bianca to me.

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