September 28, 2008

A Stormy Sunday

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This was an impromptu session, with three models jumping at the chance to work in the roaring waves ahead of the approaching Hurricane Kyle; the ocean was incredibly warm, and the three models had a ball playing in the raging surf, but it turned out to be about as photographic as I'd the couple of photographs I saved were more about documentation than celebration of beauty.
Digital original
After we dropped off one of the models, the rest of us returned to Miranda's apartment, and the two remaining women jumped into a warm shower to warm up, but not before they dragged another body into the mix. 
Digital original
Making an image of three bodies in a shower is incredibly challenging, especially in a bathroom where I couldn’t get as far back as I’d have liked. As it was, the images actually focused more on the water on the shower curtain than the bodies behind it.

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